SokoPro Integrations

Securely connect your content to other apps

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SokoPro platform opens up new business opportunities

Please note! The model image is from the upcoming new SokoPro software.

Boost your business

API allows you to improve your organisation’s information flow with the help of various apps. SokoPro’s stateless API reduces repeated work in your daily activities.

Always seamless, always secure

SokoPro ensures you protect the flow of information across every business app your organisation uses, applying our enterprise-grade security, governance and compliance capabilities to all of your content.

Put productivity and collaboration first

Today’s teams rely on tools that keep everyone on the same page, from productivity suites to planning apps.
Organisations in every industry need to keep their content in these tools accessible, shareable and secure. With SokoPro, there’s no jumping from app to app — just easy collaboration and boosted productivity, wherever you work

With all the information you need to find available in a single place, productivity remains higher at all times

Align every line of business

At SokoPro, we know that every department in your organisation uses different technologies to get work done. That’s why SokoPro’s cloud-based content management integrates with the apps your team uses the most. With a single, secure content layer underlying all of your team-specific tools, you ensure work happens quickly and flows smoothly across every part of your organisation.
SokoPro gives you full control over access rights, making sure that the right persons have access to the right places.

Don’t compromise on security

When you’re working across so many tools, frictionless security is non-negotiable. SokoPro centralises and protects your content across apps by applying consistent enterprise-grade security, compliance and governance.

SokoPro integrations